Ski Inc. 2020
Chris Diamond
In 2016, veteran resort operator Chris Diamond ’68 published Ski Inc., a recounting of his journey through four decades of working in the ski-resort business. In this sequel, he digs into how current ski resorts, from the large conglomerates to the small- and medium-sized companies, are using ingenuity and innovation to help the ski industry to flourish.

Hollywood in Havana
Megan Feeney
From the turn of the 20th century to the late 1950s, Havana, Cuba, was a hotspot for American movie stars and movies. In this thoughtful and astute book, Megan Feeney ’95 explores the question of whether exposure to Hollywood and to the values and behaviors viewed in the American films paved the way for the Cuban Revolution of 1959.

The House in Scarsdale
Dan O’Brien
In this lyrical, intimate memoir for the stage, playwright Dan O’Brien ’96 investigates the secrets and stories behind his family’s dysfunction in search of why his parents and siblings cut him out of their lives years ago.

Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines
Juliana Coffey
Alison Ollivierre
With over 140 pages of beautiful photographs of the birds and natural areas of the Grenadines, as well as a full chapter of the local folklore and ecological knowledge, lovers of birds and exotic places will enjoy this guide written by Alison DeGraff Olliviere ’10.5 and Juliana Coffey.
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