Introducing MiddMoment
Midd Moment introduces independent thinkers who create community and inspire positive change. Hear their stories, ideas, and Middlebury connections in conversation with President Laurie Patton.
We hear from so many alums that they want a direct link to what’s going on at Middlebury. I wanted to do a podcast because it felt like a really good way to share with the entire Middlebury community the ideas that are being discussed, the way people feel about current events.
And the fact that the world has come to Middlebury. I’m really excited about sharing this podcast with you, and decided to call it Midd Moment. So Midd Moment can be a time where things come together in a particularly Middlebury way. When you have to stop and contemplate the fact that you’re part of such an amazing community.
And I think you’ll find if you listen to each of my sessions, that in every conversation there is a Midd Moment for all of us to share. I’m Laurie Patton, president of Middlebury and professor of religion. You’re listening to Midd Moment, a podcast of ideas for Middlebury’s leaders, independent thinkers who create community.