A Return to Manual Labor
A writer decides to roll up his sleeves and approach work in a different fashion.
By Paul Barnwell ’04, MA English ‘13
Illustration by Annelise CaposselaNovember 1, 2018
Illustration by Annelise CaposselaNovember 1, 2018
A writer decides to roll up his sleeves and approach work in a different fashion.
Taking notes in Davis Library
How two alumni ditched their conventional jobs and opened a brewpub.
The places they work. A photographic essay.
Avery Shawler ’13 left her Idaho apartment one morning in 2016 to hike a prominent mountain peak. It’s a miracle that she returned.
The Ripton Country Store is for sale. An alumna reflects on this treasured local landmark.
Chris Wood ’88 works to save fish, preserve habitat, and engage a new generation of conservationists.